Many people are aware of the Chinese who came to Victoria in search of gold from 1851 to the late 1860s. What happened to this large migrant community when the quantity of gold diminished? Many Chinese stayed to take on other occupations that contributed to the local economy and wider society. These jobs included laundrymen, merchants, herbalists, and cabinetmakers; and a large proportion took on a role in market gardening. This new occupation was attractive as it afforded a low investment and quick return on effort. It often involved working communally in a clan or village collective. Vegetable produce from these gardens was well received in Melbourne markets, was of a high standard, and included diversity of choice. Many of these market gardens were established near the waterways of Melbourne’s creeks and rivers. For example, they could be found along the Merri Creek watercourse stretching from Coburg to Clifton Hill.
Visit the Chinese Market Gardens website.
- Read stories and articles about these Chinese gardeners.
- Find the hidden locations of these gardens in Melbourne’s suburbs
- Discover the resources that have informed the research of this site
image – Photo courtesy of Heidelberg Historical Society Reg. No. P0989